首页> 中文期刊> 《核电子学与探测技术》 >稀土产品中227Ac的放射性增长研究




本研究推算并验证了稀土产品中227 Ac的放射性增长理论曲线。采用HPGe-γ谱仪,通过无源效率刻度方法及适当的解谱方法,测定了高纯镧产品中227 Ac放射性比活度的增长。结果表明,第一:测得的227 Ac的放射性增长曲线与理论推算结果一致;第二:采用理论推算曲线可以准确计算出稀土产品中227 Ac的平衡比活度,达到快速检测的目的。%The paper calculates and verifies the theoretical curve of the radioactivity growth of 227 Ac in rare earth products.By the application of sourceless efficiency method on HPGe-γray spectrometer, we have measured the radioactivity growth of 227 Ac in high purity lanthanum products through appropriate analysis of the spectrum. The results show that, utilizing sourceless efficiency method on HPGe-γray spectrometer, firstly, the specific radioactivity growth of 227 Ac measured is in accord with the theoretical curve calculated;secondly, it is accurate to calculate the balance specific activity of 227 Ac in rare earth products by the employ of the calculated theoreti-cal curve, and makes the rapid determination possible.



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