首页> 中文期刊> 《宁夏农林科技》 >食用向日葵产量和抗菌核病的遗传分析




21 combinations were obtained by using 7 CMS lines and 3 restorer lines of confectioner sunflower from NCII de-sign. The combining ability and heritability of the yield and susceptible degree of sclerotinia head rot of the confectionery sunflower were studied. The results of the study indicate that the yield was influenced to a great degree by environment. The broad-sense heritability and narrow-sense heritability of yield were relatively low, 61.58% and 50.44% respectively. The additive gene effects indicated by the general combining ability and non-additive gene effects indicated by the specific com-bining ability were both active in the inheritance of yield. The additive gene effects were greater than the non-additive gene effects in the inheritance of yield. The susceptible degree of sclerotinia head rot was influenced to a great degree by the environment. The broad-sense heritability and narrow-sense heritability of the susceptible degree of sclerotinia head rot were relatively low, 56.46% and 49.06% respectively. The GCA variance was greater than the SCA variance; it indicated that the additive gene effects predominated in the inheritance of the susceptible degree of sclerotinia head rot. Recurrent selection of phenotype and selection of pedigree should be used in combination for developing parents with sclerotinia head rot resis-tance. The selections are same important in every generation.%利用育成的7个食用向日葵不育系和3个食用向日葵恢复系,采用 NCⅡ设计,配制21个组合。研究了食用向日葵产量与抗盘腐型菌核病的配合力及遗传力。结果表明,向日葵产量受环境影响较大,广义遗传力和狭义遗传力均较低,分别为61.58%和50.44%。一般配合力所反映的加性基因效应和特殊配合力所反映的非加性基因效应对杂交组合产量性状的表达都有影响,但加性基因效应大于非加性基因效应。菌核病发病程度受环境影响较大,广义遗传力和狭义遗传力均较低,分别为56.46%和49.06%。一般配合力方差明显大于特殊配合力方差,说明加性基因效应对杂交组合菌核病发病程度的表达起的作用较大,非加性基因效应影响较小。抗菌核病的亲本选育应采取轮回表型选择与系圃法相结合,对该抗性的选择应注意每个世代的表现。



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