首页> 中文期刊>信息网络安全 >一种安全加固的NFC无线通信连接认证加速系统




Based on the properties of NFC data exchange like short transmitting distance, high safety and high speed of authorization, we have designed and implemented two authorization-accelerating mechanisms. One is using NFC to accelerate Wi-Fi and another is using NFC to accelerate Bluetooth. We have combined NFC, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and formed two subsystems:one for NFC and Wi-Fi and one for NFC and Bluetooth. The processes in traditional Wi-Fi connection like searching for hotspots manually and iflling in AP passwords and the processes in traditional Bluetooth connection like calling each other between devices, selecting devices manually and iflling in corresponding PIN code are avoided and we have built a safe channel for transmitting ifles through Bluetooth. We solved the problems of complex process, low safety and high consumption in Wi-Fi connection and Bluetooth connection. The results of testing show that the systems are stable and fully functional which are better than traditional Wi-Fi and Bluetooth transmission. The results show that the systems can be used in NFC data transmission with high usability and scalability.%基于NFC技术数据交换传输距离近、安全性高、认证速度快等特点,文章设计并实现了用NFC加速Wi-Fi和蓝牙认证的连接机制。把NFC与Wi-Fi和蓝牙结合起来,形成了NFC+Wi-Fi子系统和NFC+蓝牙子系统,免除了传统Wi-Fi连接中的手动搜索热点、填入AP口令等过程,以及传统蓝牙连接中设备之间相互呼叫、手动选择连接设备和填入配对PIN密码的过程,并实现了蓝牙连接下文件传输安全信道的构建。解决了Wi-Fi和蓝牙传输连接过程复杂、安全性低、设备功耗大等问题。测试结果显示该系统功能完善,稳定性好,总体性能优于传统的Wi-Fi和蓝牙传输方式。



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