首页> 中文期刊> 《中国国土资源经济》 >实物地质资料管理与社会化服务体系的初步探讨




This paper introduces the basic situations of physical geological data management and social service system. These include that management system has begun to take shape;certain achievements have been made in the construction of database;the work of collection and management has gradually established a system;and modern information technology have achieved initial success in the management. This paper proposes some corresponding measures to resolve existing problems. These are:new mechanisms for the management of physical geological data and new services must be created;the present laws and policies should be revised, supplemented and perfected;pushing the information construction and enriching digital resource;expanding the field of service to improve the service level of socialization.%  实物地质资料是地质工作成果的体现,服务的社会化是地质工作成果价值的体现。目前我国实物地质资料管理制度已具雏形,实物地质资料库建设取得一定成绩,汇交管理工作已逐步形成体系,现代信息技术在管理中初见成效。基于目前服务体系、管理制度、汇交采集目录、管理与社会化服务方式等方面存在的问题,建议:构建实物地质资料管理新机制;建立实物地质资料服务新体系;修订、补充和完善现行的法规和政策;推进信息化建设,丰富数字化资源;拓展服务领域,提高社会化服务水平。



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