首页> 中文期刊> 《中国国土资源经济》 >大力发展绿色矿业助推矿业可持续发展




The development of environmentally friendly mining industry is a major measure with a view to promoting ecological progress; which has become a current important national strategy. On the basis of introduction of pilot project construction and the results achieved, this paper points out that green mining development are undergoing the following changes, these are: the promotion from part to whole, from the emphasis on price alone into laying equal stress on green exploration and development, from administrative measures to economic means under the market allocation. And on this basis, this paper argues that in order to promote the development of environmentally friendly mining industry, we must engage in more efforts to draw out national and local planning system, develop laws and regulations with regard to green mining development, establish a common responsibility mechanism, build long-term incentive mechanism dominated by market allocation, and build a sound standard system concerning the whole process of mining development that involve environmentally friendly exploration.%发展绿色矿业是推进我国生态文明建设的重要举措,已成为当前一项重要的国家战略。文章梳理了我国绿色矿山试点建设及取得的成效,认为我国绿色矿业发展正经历由点上推动向面上整体推动转变,由单纯注重开发到绿色勘查与开发并重转变,由行政手段向市场配置下的经济手段转变,在此基础上,提出应从制定绿色矿业发展的国家及地方规划体系、完善绿色矿业发展的法律法规、建立共同责任机制、构建以市场配置为主导的长效激励机制、以及健全包括绿色勘查在内的矿业发展全过程标准体系等方面,推进我国绿色矿业发展。



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