首页> 中文期刊> 《山地学报》 >中国山地型世界地质公园地质旅游的主要区域效益




China is one of the centers of global geoparks rapid development and construction. The geological tourism has been actively promoting the social and economic development of geopark region. Based on tourism data of seven Chinese mountain-type global geoparks regions in 2000,2004,2008 and 2012,using four development indexes, namely tourist reception,annual tourist comprehensive income,employment and development of relative industries, this study analyzes the benefit changes geopark tourism contributing to the regions before and after geopark construc-tion,and also their three influencing factors which are the life cycle of mountain resorts,geological resources types for tourism and geographical location. The results show:1)in terms of four development indexes,geological tourism created social and economic benefits to the mountainous areas;2 )social and economic benefits varied among geop-arks at different stages in cycle of mountain resorts;3 )geological resources for tourism with one single aesthetic function or both aesthetic and scientific education appeal to more tourists than one single scientific education func-tion;4)geoparks with advantageous geological location make for the development of geological tourism. In view of the above conclusion,suggestions are made to promote the positive progress of Chinese mountain-type global geop-arks.%我国是世界地质公园快速发展和建设的中心之一。通过地质旅游的开展,积极地推动了地质公园所在地区的社会经济发展。根据中国的7处山地型世界地质公园所在地区的2000年、2004年、2008年和2012年度的旅游统计,利用游客接待量、年综合收入、就业人数和相关行业发展四个发展指标,分析在地质公园建设前后,大力发展的地质旅游给所在地区带来的社会经济效益的变化,以及对社会经济产生不同影响的旅游地生命周期阶段、地质旅游资源类型和地理区位等3个因素。结果表明:1.地质旅游的开展使得四个发展指标均有明显的增长,给当地山区带来区域社会经济效益;2.处于旅游地生命周期不同阶段的地质公园所带来的效益也不同;3.具有美学价值功能或科教和美学价值功能兼有的地质旅游资源对游客的吸引力大于科教价值功能为主的地质旅游资源;4.具有地理区位优势的地质公园利于地质旅游的开展。针对上述结论,提出建议以促进中国山地型世界地质公园的良性发展。



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