首页> 中文期刊> 《现代矿业》 >河南省卢氏县大阳沟钼矿地质特征及找矿意义




Based on the mineral geological survey results of Guangdaokou with the scale of 1 ∶50 000 and the pre -survey results of the molybdenum deposit in Dayanggou mining area in Lushi coun-ty,Henan province,the geological characteristics,deposit genesis and prospecting significance of Dayang-gou molybdenum deposit are analyzed,the results show that:①the comparison and analysis results of the prospecting results of the Dayanggou molybdenum deposit and its adjacent regions show that,Yanshanian is the important molybdenum and tungsten metallogenic period of north Qinling polymetallic metallogenic be②Dayanggou molybdenum deposit is the hydrothermal type deposit related to rock mass,it may be the products of gasification-hydrothermal stage,the ore-bodies are mainly originated from the contact zone (concavo-convex twist)of Mangling rock mass and Kuanping rock mass,the fault zone and its nearby are-as within the Mangling rock mass are also the ore-bodies secondary occurrence positions,the ore-body is occurred with nervation,the ore-body occurrence is controlled by contact zone and the fracture related to magmatic activity;③the ore natural types are disseminated ore,veinlet disseminated ore,net vein ore,the main ore types in Dayanggou mining area are granite giant crystal stone vein type molybdenum ore and quartz vein type molybdenum ore,the grade of quartz vein type molybdenum ore and schist type molybde-num ore are relatively higher than others,the industrial type of them are vein-type molybdenum deposit. The above analysis results can provide some reference for the prospecting of the similar mineral resources of Dayanggou molybdenum deposit in north Qinling poly-metallic metallogenic belt.%基于1∶50000官道口矿产地质调查和河南省卢氏县大阳沟矿区钼矿预查成果,分析了大阳沟钼矿地质特征,并对其矿床成因、找矿意义进行了详细讨论。结果表明:①大阳沟钼矿及邻区找矿成果对比分析表明,燕山期为北秦岭多金属成矿带重要的钼钨矿成矿期;②大阳沟钼矿是与岩体有关的热液型矿床,可能为岩浆期后气化-热液期产物,矿体主要产于蟒岭岩体与宽坪岩群接触带(凸凹转折)部位,次为蟒岭岩体内部的断裂带或附近,矿体总体呈脉状产出,矿体产状主要受接触带及与岩浆活动有关的裂隙控制;③矿石自然类型为浸染状矿石、细脉浸染状矿石、网脉状矿石,花岗伟晶岩脉型钼矿石、石英脉型钼矿石为区内的主要矿石类型,石英脉型钼矿石、片岩型钼矿石的品位相对较高,其工业类型为脉状钼矿。上述分析对于北秦岭多金属成矿带内寻找同类型矿产具有重要的指导意义。



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