首页> 中文期刊> 《现代电子技术》 >嵌入式操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ剖析与移植




Different from the application program,the embedded operating system cannot be directly used in different hard⁃ware platform. Especially for the variety of electronic products using embedded operating system and the quick update,transplan⁃tation action on the embedded operating system is also very frequent. Embedded operating system needs to accomplish some codes associated with processor by means of C language and assembly language. The main task is to modify this part codes rela⁃ted to processor hardware platform for transplanting the embedded operating system into its own hardware platform. μC/OS⁃Ⅱ is a free open source embedded operating system and its code is simple and easy to understand. The analysis of embedded operat⁃ing system code and transplantation based on the μC/OS⁃Ⅱfacilitate the understanding of operating system design method and secondary development.%嵌入式操作系统与应用程序不同,不能直接使用在不同硬件平台上。尤其是使用嵌入式操作系统的电子产品种类繁多,更新换代也迅速,关于嵌入式操作系统的移植动作也很频繁。嵌入式操作系统需要用C语言和汇编语言完成一些与处理器相关的代码,将嵌入式操作系统移植到自己的硬件平台的主要工作是修改这部分与处理器硬件相关的代码。μC/OS⁃Ⅱ为开源免费嵌入式操作系统并且代码简单易懂,以μC/OS⁃Ⅱ为基础剖析嵌入式操作系统的代码及移植便于理解操作系统设计方法和进行二次开发。



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