首页> 中文期刊> 《现代电子技术》 >基于无线传感网络的雷击信号检测平台设计




A foundation for the lightning protection monitoring of high voltage electrical equipments was laid by using the real⁃time accurate detection of lightning signal. The time⁃frequency parameter estimation is adopted in the traditional lightning signal detection method,whose detection performance is poor under strong electromagnetic interference. A design method of the lightning signal detection platform based on wireless sensor network is proposed in this paper. The original lightning signal pa⁃rameters are collected through the wireless sensor network(WSN). The hardware circuit of the designed lightning signal detec⁃tion platform includes A/D sampling circuit,signal filter circuit,clock control circuit of lightning signal,program loaded cir⁃cuit,interface circuit,etc. Software of the lightning signal detection platform was developed. The waveform data storage inter⁃face was designed on the basis of the application software development of lightning signal detection platform based on Qt/Embed⁃ded script to realize visualization module design. The lightning signal detection platform design was completed by lightning sig⁃nal waveform output and human⁃computer interaction. The simulation results show that the lightning signal detection platform has a good performance and accurate detection probability.%通过对雷击信号的实时准确检测,为高压电气等设备的防雷击监测奠定基础。传统的雷击信号检测方法采用时频参量估计方法,在强电磁干扰下检测性能差。提出一种基于无线传感网络的雷击信号检测平台设计方法。通过无线传感器网络进行原始的雷击信号参量等数据信息的采集,设计的雷击信号的检测平台的硬件电路,包括A/D采样电路、信号滤波电路、雷击信号的时钟控制电路、程序加载电路、接口电路等;进行雷击信号检测平台的软件开发,基于Qt/Embedded的应用软件开发雷击信号检测平台的脚本,设计波形数据存储界面,进行可视化模块设计,通过雷击信号的波形输出和人机交互,完成雷击信号检测平台设计。仿真结果表明,该平台进行雷击信号检测的性能较好,准确检测概率较高。



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