首页> 中文期刊> 《现代教育科学(高教研究)》 >模块化视野下民办高校辅导员工作精细化探究




立足民办高校辅导员工作精细化的现状,以模块化为视角探究民办高校辅导员工作精细化的有效途径,把民办高校学生管理工作模块化,划分为安全教育、学风建设、学生事务管理、学生资助管理、学生档案管理、新生入学管理、学生学费催缴、毕业实习与就业、团学组织工作和党组织建设等十个模块,能够为提高民办高校学生管理工作的实效性、针对性,促进民办高校辅导员队伍的职业化、专业化与事业化,提供建设性的思路.%Based on the current situation of refining of counselors work in private universities, this paper explores the effective ways to refine the work of private universities counselors under the vision of modularization and modularizes the management of private university students into ten modules such as safety education, study style construction, student affairs management, funding management, student records management, freshman admission management, student tuition reminders, graduation internships and employment, league organization and Party construction. And it provides constructive ideas to improve the effectiveness and pertinence of refining the management of private universities students, and to promote the private college counselors professional, professional and career orientation.



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