首页> 中文期刊> 《矿产勘查》 >河北南部邯邢式铁矿山深部与外围找矿途径分析




The Hanxing iron ore formation mines are the most important ore in southern part of Hebei Province. Iron ore resources in the area is lacking in the future, so starting approaching mine ways of deep and periphery for the Hanxing iron ore formation mines is becoming very serious. On basis of looking for the resources, these workings are analyzed about approaching mine ways of deep and periphery in the article. Those ways are proposed preliminary: the first is that forming a set of integral informations is important; summarizing rules about the ore is the second one;mines and geological explorations should join each other in the working;using the new geophysical instruments and methodes of handle dataes, etc..%河北省邯邢地区是邯邢式铁矿的重要产地,该地区铁矿资源严重不足,深部和外围找矿势在必行.联系近年来的找矿实践,对矿山深部和外围找矿工作进行了综合分析,初步提出了比较可行的途径:(1)建立一套完整的地质、采矿资料;(2)进行探采对比,总结成矿规律;(3)矿山应该与地勘单位相结合,共同找矿,争取早出成果;(4)运用综合物探方法和先进数据处理方法;(5)充分利用好国家及地方各种资金渠道等,并指出了技术路线.



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