首页> 中文期刊> 《微电机》 >电感饱和效应对S RM位置估计的影响及改进

电感饱和效应对S RM位置估计的影响及改进



The phase inductance of switch reluctance motor is seriously nonlinear.This paper researched the relationship between inductance model coefficient that ignored more than three times harmonic and current, and proposed an estimation method of rotor position based on complex plane inductance model.The method obtained information of the conduction phase inductance by injecting a suitable sequence of voltage pulses in-to free phase and using the function relationship.The influence of the inductance saturation effect on rotor angle estimation at low-speed drive operating states was analyzed.And the paper took compensatory measure of three coefficientsto eliminate the impact. The simulation and experiments results indicate that the proposed method estimates rotor position accurately and good practical value at low-speed drive operating states.%开关磁阻电机(SRM)的相电感形状随饱和情况的不同发生明显的变化。研究了忽略三次以上谐波电感模型系数随电流变化关系,提出了复平面电感模型的无位置传感器控制策略。在SRM处于低速驱动运行状态时,首先往空闲相注入高频电压脉冲获取非导通相电感值,再利用三相电感之间的函数关系间接的估算出导通相电感值。提出了低速大电流运行状态时电感饱和效应对转子角度估计的影响,并采取了三项系数补偿措施以消除影响。最终通过仿真和实验表明,在低速重载情况下,该方法能保证较高的位置估算精度和很好的实用价值。



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