首页> 中文期刊> 《气象科技》 >基于ARCGIS9.2的气象服务产品及其应用技术




According to the workflow model of meteorological service products for decision-making purposes in Sichuan province, by the toolboxt in ArcGIS9.2 Desktop, combined with the MSPGS component developed by CM A, the second development was conducted to meet the demands of meteorological services for decision making over the Sichuan province. The workflow model of meteorological service products for spatial analysis was established, which is applied in batch processing and produces successfully such meteorological service products as temperature, precipitation, visibility, etc. The developed software can effectively reduce time and monetary costs, and enhance the effectiveness and pertinence of meteorological service products for decision making.%利用地理信息系统软件ArcGIS 9.2 Desktop中提供的地理处理任务工具箱Toolbox,结合中国气象局研发的决策服务工具组件MSPGS,通过建立四川省决策服务产品的空间分析工作流模型,并将模型加入到批处理中,成功批量化制作出按照地理区域分布的温度、雨量、能见度等气象决策服务产品,所生成产品满足了省、市层面决策服务产品的批量化生成需求,有效节约时间和人工成本,增强了决策服务产品的时效性与针对性.



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