首页> 中文期刊> 《气象科技》 >地基主动式云自动观测设备外场比对试验




对2015年1-5月安装在中国气象局大气探测试验基地的Ka波段毫米波测云仪(HT101)和2种型号激光云高仪(CYY-2B、HY-CL51)进行比对试验.试验期间以L波段业务探空气球的入云和出云高度为云高标准,对测云仪从云体探测率、准确性、天气适应性等方面进行分析,结果表明:①毫米波测云仪的云体探测率最高;②以探空气球入云高度为标准,毫米波测云仪云底高度探测相对偏差最小;③毫米波测云仪有较强的云顶高探测能力;④毫米波测云仪天气适应性最强,在多层云、卷云、低能见度条件下HT101探测性能优于CYY-2B、HY-CL51.%From January to May 2015 CMA Meteorological Observation Centre conducted an experiment of cloud observation by one Ka-band solid-state millimeter wave ceilometer (HT101) and two kinds of laser ceilometers (CYY-2B and HY-CL51).During the experiment taking the heights of L-band sounding balloons passing through the cloud base as the standards of the cloud base height,the whole sky infrared cloud measuring system and the automatic meteorological station as auxiliary equipment,the different types of ceilometers are analyzed in the aspects of completeness,accuracy,data acquisition rate,and weather adaptability.The results show that the detection capability of HT101 is better than CYY-2B and HY-CL51.Main results are as follows:(1) The data acquisition rate of HT101 is the highest.(2) HT101 has the higher detection accuracy of cloud base heights than CYY-2B and HY-CL51.(3) HT101 has the stronger capability to detect cloud top heights.(4) HT101 has the better weather adaptability than CYY-2B and HY-CL51.



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