首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >吉林省某高校大学生面对突发公共卫生事件的心理调查




Objectvie: To explore the mental condition of college students facing public health emergency. Method: Based on the H1N1 flu outbreak in 2009. this passage was about an investigation conducted to closed campus. We used mental questionnaire about H1N1 flu,Simple coping style scale and Anxiety self-rating scale in order to know the awareness degree. coping style and mental traits of undergraduates dealing with the public health emergencies. Result: The 37.8% of undergraduates once had apparent fear problems. Compared with the domestic norm points. anxiety lever average had significant differences. Conclusion: Colleges should reinforce the training to college students for coping with public health emergency.%目的:了解大学生面对突发公共卫生事件的心理状态.方法:使用自编的甲型H1N1流感心理变化因素问卷、简易应对方式问卷、焦虑自评量表对不同特征大学生面对突发公共卫生事件的知晓程度、应对方式、心理素质等方面的状况进行调查.结果:在H1N1的恐惧心态方面,37.8%的学生对甲型HINI流感有过明显的恐惧担忧,焦虑水平平均分与国内常模分比较有显著性差异.结论:学校应加强对不同人群特征的大学生应对突发公共卫生事件能力的培训.



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