首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >2005-2010年我国医疗救助筹资与补助状况分析




我国的医疗救助制度是在政府主导下的覆盖城乡贫困人口的一种医疗保障制度,对于保障贫困人口的健康权、社会公平与正义及社会稳定都具有重要意义.经过多年的发展,我国的医疗救助制度在取得较大成效的同时也还存在着筹资水平低,制度设计有待改进等问题.对比笔者认为,医疗救助应建立与我国经济水平同步增长的筹资机制:医疗救助对象界定应扩大到医疗费用支出过大的低收入人群;进一步完善救助内容;提高救助的比例;管理体制上应充分与其他医疗保障制度的衔接,推广"一站式服务"的管理模式.%China's medical assistance system is dominated by the govemment of a poor health care system on the protection of human health, social equity and justice and social stability are of great significance.Medical assistance system after years of development, has made great achievements while there is still a low level of funding, poor people into a more confined and so on.This advice: medical aid should be established with the simultaneous growth of China's economic level of funding mechanisms; medical assistance should be extended to objects defmed excessive health care costs for low-income populations; management system should be full and the interface between other medical security system, promote "One Stop service" management model.



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