首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >伦理学视阈下的新型医患关系探究




The paper redefined the meaning of the new ethics of the doctor-patient relationship under the Ethics Perspective, and the ethics attributes of the doctor-patient relationship, economic attributes and legal attributes were compared and analyzed, and the construction of new harmonious doctor-patient relationship should contains four aspects: respecting for the rights of patients on the ethical level from side to respect life; pursuing of health as a basic medical ethics, patient communication channels to be broadened and improving the doctor -patient trust;Em-phasis on ethics and kindness; for the sake of humanity excessive medical care services in order to provide the basis for constructing a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.%在伦理学视阈下对新型医患关系的内涵进行重新界定,并对医患关系的伦理属性、经济属性和法律属性进行分析,提出建构新型和谐医患关系应从4个方面着手:从伦理层面上尊重患方的应然权利;以敬畏生命、追求健康为基本医学道德准则;拓宽医患沟通渠道,提高医患互信;趋德从善,舍过度医疗而求人性服务,以期为建构新型的和谐医患关系提供依据。



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