首页> 中文期刊>医学与哲学 >近似确定中的不确定性--浅议医学中的不确定性问题




医学中的不确定性问题,是一个有关医学知识论和价值论的根本问题,也是医学复杂性的特质之一,这是一个基本判断。一方面,因医学研究对象及“患者-疾病-医生”之间的互动关系所呈现出的复杂性,导致不确定性广布于医学中的各个领域;另一方面,从不确定性问题入手,可以更好地揭示医学的复杂性本质。要理解与讨论医学的复杂性问题,势必需要对医学的不确定性问题引起足够的重视。由此,通过对科学、医学试验、临床医学等方面的不确定性问题的分析,探讨医学不确定性产生的根源及表现形式,进而思考相应的应对之道也就尤为必要。%The indeterminacy is not only a fundamental issue of epistemology and axiology in medical science ,but also one of the characteristics of medical complexity .This is a basic judgment .On the one hand ,due to the complexity of research objects and the interaction between the“patient -disease-doctor” ,the indeterminacy is full of all areas of medical science . On the other hand ,we can reveal the complexity essence of medical science better by researching the indeterminacy .To comprehend and discuss the complexity of medicine science ,we must attract enough attention to the indeterminacy in medical science .Thus ,it is very necessary to discuss the source and manifestations of the indeterminacy in medical science and reflect on the tactics to deal with the indeterminacy by analyzing the indeterminacy in the science , the medical experiment and the clinical medicine .



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