首页> 中文期刊> 《机床与液压》 >基于 Hilbert 变换和融合算法的变频电机转子故障诊断

基于 Hilbert 变换和融合算法的变频电机转子故障诊断



变频电机在转子发生故障时,在逆变器直流侧电流中会产生相应的故障特征信号。基于信息融合的思想,通过对逆变器直流侧电流进行分段滤波的方法,获得其低频段和高频段信号,对高频段信号做Hilbert变换后,计算其Hilbert模量,再对低频段信号和高频段信号的Hilbert模量做融合相关处理。融合频谱故障特征频率分量更加突出,提高了诊断的可靠性,实验结果证实了该方法的有效性。%When the variable frequency motor rotor failures,a corresponding fault characteristic signal will produce in the invert-er DC current. Based on the ideas of information fusion,through the method of segment filtering in the current of inverter DC side, the low-frequency signal and high-frequency signal were obtained. After doing Hilbert transform for high-frequency signal,the Hilbert modulus was calculated,then the low frequency band signal and high-frequency Hilbert modulus were made the integration-related pro-cessing. Fault characteristic frequency component in the integration spectrum is more prominent,which improves the diagnostic relia-bility. The experimental results show that the method is effective.



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