首页> 中文期刊> 《机械设计与制造工程》 >含分布式电源的区间多目标微网规划




针对多目标优化问题,提出了一种基于可行性规则改进的多目标优化约束处理方法,在可行性规则中引入约束违反度信息和非支配层数信息到选择机制中,增强对可行解搜索空间的开发能力.将该约束处理方法引入到IP-MOEA算法中,然后将带约束处理的IP-MOEA算法应用到含分布式电源的区间配电网规划经济性模型,并且对该模型与只考虑负荷不确定的模型和只考虑分布式电源出力不确定的模型进行比较,结果表明,该模型所得区间解更加符合实际的配电网,可以为决策人员提供很好的优化方案.对加入分布式电源和不加入分布式电源的配电网的情况进行对比,结果表明,在配电网中加入分布式电源后的经济效益大于不加入分布式电源的经济效益,同时也使原有配电网的线路损耗大大降低.%Aiming at the multi-objective optimization problem,it proposes a multi-objective optimization con straint processing method based on the improvement of feasibility rules.In the feasibility rule,it introduces the constraint violation information and the non-dominated layer information,analyzes the selection mechanism to enhance the feasible solution.It uses the constraint processing method to the Imprecision-Propagating Multi Objection Evolutionary Algorithm(IP-MOEA),and designs the IP-MOEA algorithm with constraint processing to build the economical model of the interval distribution network planning with distributed power.The goal of this model is to make the distribution company maximize the economic benefits.Comparing the model with the only load uncertainty model and only the uncertainty of DG output,it shows that the proposed model is more suit able for the actual distribution network and provides the good decision project of the optimization program.The results show that the economic benefits of adding distributed power in the distribution network are greater than those of the distributed power supply,and the original distribution network line loss is greatly reduced.



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