首页> 中文期刊> 《文学与文化》 >宋南渡文化重心偏移东南述论--兼对两宋政术的历史省察




The founders of Neo-Confucianism, Chengs and their disciples, in the Song dynasty predicted twice that the country’s cultural center would move to the Southeast. Confucianism in the South had fully developed while Northern Song dynasty was in its heyday. Song Court was forced to move to the Southeast by the touch-and-go situation, hence its fate. With the capital relocated at Lin’an, the political center moved there, and quickly the cultural center followed the suit. The resurgence in Southern Song dynasty laid political foundation for the shift of cultural center. Emperor Gaozong followed Northern Song’s system in planning the cultural reconstruction in the Southeast. Neo-Confucianism was employed to adorn political tactics in cultural construction. Academically, politics in Song dynasty wandered between Xinxue by Wang Anshi and Luoxue by Chengs, which entangled with each other and were prominent in turns. Therefore, the attitude toward Neo-Confucianism became the focus of dispute, on which cultural center is based. Southern Song dynasty was content to retain sovereignty over half of the territory, and tried to attain resurgence and prosperity with Neo-Confucianism, resulting in the irresolution between the two doctrines, and causing its people more coward and reluctant to recover the lost land.%理学开创者程门师徒两度预见,国家的文化重心即将偏移东南;而当北宋文治鼎盛时期,南方儒学已有长足发展。宋廷播迁,直指东南,虽说迫于形势,实亦气运所趋。随着定都临安,政治中心移驻,国家文化中心因以入迁,从而加速文化重心转移。南宋中兴之治,奠定了文化重心偏移的政治基础;高宗继体守文,规划了南宋文化建设的总体格局。而文化建设的主导趋向,就是用道学来缘饰政术。宋代政治之于学术,有如中了二重魔咒,总在新学与洛学之间,互相纠缠而此消彼长。如此,道学崇黜便成为政术争端的焦点,文化重心也就维系在这个焦点上。就南宋偏安之政局而言,用道学来缘饰中兴之治,不仅加剧政术二元摇摆,而且养成士民素质巽懦,日益消磨恢复中原之志。



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