首页> 外文期刊>文学与艺术研究:英文版 >On the Death of Tess-the Innocent Woman

On the Death of Tess-the Innocent Woman



This paper aims to make study on Tess’death from two major areas,which includes social factors and human factors.From the perspective of social factors,the moral concept in Victorian era tends to be conservative.The double standard towards chastity entrenched in people’s mind.Women are oppressed by such moral concepts and controlled by men.Tess is the one who is prosecuted by such morality.Meanwhile,the rise of capitalism changed the old economic form,which made devastated blow to the peasant class,Tess belongs to the peasant class,her fate is also influenced by such devastation;apart from conservative moral concept,unfair law and hypocritical religion are also responsible for Tess’death.In Victorian era,law and religion serve for the bourgeoisie and protect their interest instead of the peasant class like Tess,which indirectly caused Tess to kill Alec and become a murderer.From the view of human factors,Tess’parents,Alec and Angel also play an important role in Tess’tragedy.As for her parents,who are vain and selfish,devoted to marry their daughter a rich husband and do not care about her own happiness;besides,Alec obsessed with Tess’beauty and seduced her,which directly made her be despised by people and feel immoral about herself;and Angel’s love also made Tess lives a more miserable life,since his initially strong love aroused Tess’hope but the final abandon threw her down to the deep.With all the three social factors and two human factors,Tess’tragedy is inevitable.



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