首页> 中文期刊>图书馆 >我国西部农村信息传播效果测定及比较




A survey conducts among 2024 peasants in the western 12 provinces (cities, districts) shows when peasants need market information, technology information, policies information, life information and entertainment information, the commu-nication effect of each kind of medium is at medium level.On the satisfaction, farmers think that Internet and TV are the most con-venient information channel; On the degree of understanding, farmers think that the government deliveries the science and technolo-gy information most accessibly, relatives and acquaintances pass entertainment information most resonantly.And in degree of relief, farmers believe policy information transmitted by television, moreover, they also believe market information and technology infor-mation provided through the government organization.%对西部12个省(市、区)的2024名农户进行调查发现,在传播市场、科技、政策、生活及文娱等信息方面,现有各类媒介的传播效果均处于中等水平。在满足度上,农户认为通过网络和电视获取信息最方便;在理解度上,农户认为政府传递的科技信息最浅显易懂、亲友传递的娱乐信息最易引发共鸣;而在信奉度上,农户最相信电视上播放的政策信息和政府组织提供的市场及科技信息。



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