首页> 中文期刊>图书馆 >中部地区图书馆事业发展新机遇--中部地区贯彻落实两办《意见》的地方路径




Since The Opinion about Accelerating the Establishment of Modern Public Cultural Services System has been issued, central provinces have enacted each provincial Implementation Opinion about Accelerating the Establishment of Modern Public Cultural Services System sequentially. These implementation opinions have promoted library development in central regions from the aspects of system and mechanism, culture poverty alleviation, evaluation, team construction, digital, etc., but curbed the library development by indicators. In the background of devoting more efforts to promote the modern public cultural services system, the librarianship should be combined with local actual in the central regions, accelerated to realize the harmonious regional linking development, made the scientiifc indicators under the county unit, realized precision poverty alleviation by the rigid system, focused on the left-behind children in the countryside, provided security funds by more ways, speeded up the development of the integration of culture and science, to boost the balanced development of public cultural services with a will.%《关于加快构建现代公共文化服务体系的意见》颁布以来,中部各省先后颁布出台各地的《实施意见》。《实施意见》从体制机制、文化扶贫、考核评估、队伍建设、数字化等方面给予中部地区公共图书馆事业发展以推动,但在指标制定等方面却遏制了公共图书馆事业的推进力度。在此次大力推进现代公共文化服务体系建设的背景下,中部地区公共图书馆事业发展应结合本地实际,加快实现区域联动下的协调发展、制定县域单元的科学指标、以刚性制度实现精准扶贫、关注农村留守儿童、多途径提供保障资金、加快与科技的融合发展,努力助推公共文化服务均衡发展。



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