首页> 中文期刊>图书馆理论与实践 >试析明朝王琼撰《北虏事迹》版本源流及其研究价值




Wang Qiong, served as an officer of the Ming Dynasty in Shaanxi Province, had been long-term adhering to the frontier front,and his Bei Lu Shi Ji has provided rich historical materials for the study of the Northwest region of the minority regime activities. At present,the research on Wang Qiong and his writings mainly focus on the analysis of Wang Qiong’s histor-ical status, as well as the research on other writings, and there is no detailed review and evaluation of Bei Lu Shi Ji yet. Through the study of the book Bei Lu Shi Ji,it is known that the book was written in Ming Jiajing ten years (1531 AD), and it was completed in Jiajing eleven years (1532 AD). The copy of Jin Sheng Yu Zhen Ji is its perfect copy,and the Wang Jihua contained in theis the very book.%王琼曾任明代陕西三边总制一职,长期坚守在防边一线,所作《北虏事迹》一卷为研究明代西北地区少数民族政权的活动提供了丰富的史料.有关王琼及其著述的研究目前主要集中于对王琼的历史地位评析,以及其他著述的研究,尚未有专门文章对《北虏事迹》进行详细的梳理和评价.通过对《北虏事迹》一书的研究可知,《北虏事迹》成书于嘉靖十年(1531),于嘉靖十一年(1532)即刊刻完成,《金声玉振集》本是其较为完善的底本,《四库总目》所载"王际华家藏本"即此本.



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