首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >马大正老师治疗经行头痛经验介绍




[目的]探讨马大正老师治疗各型经行头痛的经验。[方法]通过分析马大正老师对经行头痛病因病机的认识、总结马老的临证思路和典型案例,来阐述马大正老师治疗妇科经行头痛的临床经验。[结果]经过马大正老师的中医辨证方法拟方,分别以外感风邪、肝火上逆、血虚生风、痰浊内阻、肝胃不和、气滞血瘀等治疗各型经行头痛,临床取得良好的效果。[结论]引起经行头痛的病因很多,但马老根据患者的特点辨证论治选方用药精准能取得很好的疗效,对临床治疗经行头痛有很好的指导作用。%Objective To study the traditional Chinese medicine treatment in headache in menstruation of Ma Dazheng professor. [Methods]The paper expounds Professor Ma’s experience in treating headache in menstruation by analyzing the etiology, pathology, summaring the clinical thoughts and citing some typical cases. [Results]After the syndrome differentiation methods fitting which were from Ma Dazheng professor of TCM, good resulets have been achieved in the each model headache of dialectical classification. [Conclusion]The causes of headache have a lot, but according to the characteristics of the patients with the clinical syndrome differentiation, choosing precision wil get very good curative effect, it is a good guide for clinical treatment in a headach in menstruation.



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