首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >陈意益智助考膏方的临床经验总结




Objective] To summarize clinical experience of Chen Yi’s Yi Zhi Zhu Kao Gao Fang. [Methods] By means of analyzing the principle of prescription,syndrome differentiation and characteristics,combined with typical cases, experiences of Chen Yi’s Yi Zhi Zhu Kao Gao Fang were summarized. [Results] Chen Yi emphasizes the key of Yi Zhi Zhu Kao Gao Fang on balancing the five internal organs, analyzing the heart, liver, spleen and kidney’s function. He uses the way of regulating liver-qi for easy mood, nourishing heart and appeasing spirit to sequence sleeping, strengthening spleen and stomach to regulate middle energizer, replenishing qi to consolidate the superficial resistance, tonifying kidney to consolidate the constitution, respectively. Taking it in low dosage in long time can get the purpose of Yi Zhi Zhu Kao. [Conclusion] Chen Yi ’s Yi Zhi Zhu Kao Gao Fang has clear theory, rigorous formula, curative effect and worth passing on promotion.%[目的]总结陈意使用膏方益智助考的临床经验。[方法]分析陈意益智助考膏方的处方原则、分型论治、用药特色,结合典型案例,总结陈意使用膏方益智助考的临床经验。[结果]陈意认为益智助考膏方的关键在于平调五脏,主要从肝、心、脾、肺、肾着手,分别从疏肝理气畅情志、养心安神助寤寐、健脾和胃运中焦、益肺固表实樊篱、补肾培元扶先天五个方面论治,小剂量长期调理,达到益智助考的目的。[结论]陈意的益智助考膏方特色独具,论理清晰,组方严谨,疗效确切,值得传承推广。



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