首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >严仲庆运用经方治疗失眠症验案四则




[目的]探讨严仲庆老师运用经方治疗失眠症的临床经验。[方法]以4则案例为本,从病因病机、治则治法方面论述严仲庆老师运用经方治疗失眠症的临床经验,对其遣方用药特色予以总结。[结果]严仲庆老师认为,失眠症的主要病机为阳不交阴,与心、肺、肝、肾有着密切的联系,阴血亏虚和肝阳不足均为临床上引起失眠症的常见病因。其主要证型为心肺阴虚内热、心肾阴虚火旺、心肝阴血亏虚、肝郁肝阳不足等,常用养心润肺、凉血清热,滋阴清火、交通心肾,滋阴养血、宁心安神,疏肝理气、助阳益心之法。[结论]严仲庆老师临证处方精当,临床运用经方治疗失眠症疗效确切,其经验值得学习。%Objective] To conclude Yan Zhongqing clinical academic experience. [Methods] Discussed in terms of etiology and pathogenesis, treatment, therapies of Yan Zhongqing teacher using classical treatment of insomnia clinical experience, herbal prescription summed up its characteristics, citing the case evidence. [Results] Yan Zhongqing teacher believes that the main pathogenesis of this disease is not paying for the yin yang, and heart, lung, liver, kidney closely linked to inadequate blood deficiency and liver yang common causes of insomnia are caused clinically. The main syndromes of heart and lung deficiency heat, heart and kidney Huo, heart and liver blood deficiency, lack of liver stagnation of liver-yang, etc., are used to support the heart and lungs, cooling heat; yin and clearing fire, balance between kidney and heart; Yin and Yang blood, Anshen; liver qi, yang Yixin of the law, and achieves better therapeutic effect on clinical practice. [Conclusion] With appropriate clinical prescription of Mr. Yan, the treating method has clinical value.



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