首页> 中文期刊>梧州学院学报 >构建新时期和谐党群关系的思考




和谐党群关系是指党和人民群众的关系处于和睦、协调的良好状态。它要求党和人民群众相互信任、相互支持,在根本利益、奋斗目标、社会价值和行动上保持高度一致性。随着我国改革开放的不断深化,以及社会关系和社会结构的不断变革,出现了少数领导干部作风不正、贪污腐败,贫富差距过大,分配不公,民主政治建设滞后等问题,使党群关系面临新的挑战。为此,全党必须以科学发展观为统领,切实加强党的利益整合功能,深入开展党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,进一步创新群众工作机制,始终保持党同人民群众的血肉关系,扎实推进党群关系和谐发展。%The harmonious relationship between the Party and the masses refers to the relationship between the party and the people are in harmony and coordination in good condition.It requires the party and the masses to mutual trust,mutual support,and make a high degree of consistency in the fundamental interests,the goals,the social values and actions.With the continuous deepening of China's reform and opening up,social relations and social structures continuing to change,Appeared in a few honest and upright of leading cadres,corruption,Gap between rich and poor is too large,unfair distribution,Lagged democracy and so on.Make the ties between the party facing new challenges.So the party must make the scientific development concept as a guide,strengthen the interests of the party integration,deeply carry out cleaning government and combating corruption,and further innovative in the working mechanism of the masses,always maintaining Flesh and blood relationship with between the Party and masses,Push forward the harmonious development of their ties



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