首页> 中文期刊> 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》 >Super-Edge-Connectivity of G(k,d,s)(s≥k/2)

Super-Edge-Connectivity of G(k,d,s)(s≥k/2)



A graph G is super-edge-connected,for short super-λ,if every minimum edge-cut consists of edges adjacent to a vertex of minimum degree.Alphabet overlap graph G(k,d,s)is undirected,simple graph with vertex set V={v|v=1()kv…v;vi∈{1,2,…,d},i=1,…,k}.Two vertices u=(u1…uk)and v=(v1…vk)are adjacent if and only if us+i=vi or vs+i=ui(i=1,…,k-s).In particular G(k,d,1)is just an undirected de Bruijn graph.In this paper,we show that the diameter of G(k,d,s)is k s,the girth is 3.Finally,we prove that G(k,d,s)(s≥k/2)is super-λ.




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