首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >德钦县石漠化治理成效分析




通过对德钦县岩溶地区石漠化现状和成因分析,借鉴国内外最近研究成果及应用技术,结合对多项设计成果工程完工后的治理效果回访,应用岩溶石漠化治理的基本原理和方法,总结出德钦县岩溶区域石漠化治理方法由生态和工程措施组成,采取“封、造、建、拦、排、通、移”的立体布局,形成一套完整的石漠化防治措施体系.对未石漠化的土地,采取保护措施,防止石漠化现象发生;对轻度石漠化、潜在石漠化危害较大的土地,重点采取预防措施,全面预防石漠化土地的继续演变和恶化;对已经发生石漠化的土地,采取综合治理措施,有效遏制石漠化土地的发展.通过标本兼治,使岩溶地区脆弱的生态现状得到最大改善和修复.%Through analyze the current situation and the cause of rock desertification in Deqin county of Yunnan province, using the study achievements and advanced technologies for reference, combining the feedback from the accomplished treatment projects, a set of rock desertification for Deqin county of Yunnan province was summarized by using the fundamental and approach of karst rocky desertification. It is proposed that in order to effectively manage the rocky desertification in Deqin county, an all-round strategy should be adopted. As far as the land with no rocky desertification was concerned, protection measures should be adopted to avoid the happens of rocky desertification. At the land with light rocky desertification and big potential damage tendency, preventive measures should be intensively adopted to comprehensively avoid the deterioration. For the land with obvious rocky desertification, comprehensive treatment measures should be adopted, to achieve the effective suppress of rocky desertification.



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