首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >广西百色细叶云南松天然林生物量研究




Based on the data collected from a standard permanent plot of Pinus yunnanensis var.tenuifolia natural forest in Guangxi Yachang Forest Farm , the amount and distribution of biomass was studied by investigating and sample tree harvesting method , and the results showed that: 1) The total vegetation biomass of Pinus yunnanensis var.tenuifolia forest was 140.06 t/hm2 .2) The distribution law of biomass in each layer were arbor layer 127.75 t/hm2 (91.21 %), of which overstory trees contributed the large proportion (88.54%) and amounted to 124.01 t/hm2 , shrub layer 5.21 t/hm2 (3.72%), herb layer 2.56 t/hm2 (1.83%), litter 1ayer 4.54 t/hm2 (3.24%). 3) In the overstory layer , the biomass was allocated as 57.61 t/hm2 (46.46%) for trunk, 9.97 t/hm2 (8.04%) for bark, 23.25 t/hm2 (18.75 %) for branch, 9.26 t/hm2 (7.47 %) for leaf, and 23.92 t/hm2 (19.18 %) for root .%采用样地调查及标准木法,对广西国有雅长林场细叶云南松天然林中林(23年)乔木层、灌木层、草本层、凋落物层的生物量进行研究,结果表明,(1)23年生细叶云南松天然林生态系统总生物量为140.06 t/hm2。(2)各层次的生物量分布为,乔木层127.75 t/hm2,占总生物量91.21%,其中细叶云南松生物量124.01 t/hm2,占总生物量88.54%;灌木层5.21 t/hm2,占3.72%;草本层2.56 t/hm2,占1.83%;枯枝落叶层4.54 t/hm2,占3.24%。(3)乔木层生物量在各器官的分布为,干材生物量57.61 t/hm2(46.46%),皮9.97 t/hm2(8.04%),枝23.25 t/hm2(18.75%),叶9.26 t/hm2(7.47%),根23.92 t/hm2(19.18%)。



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