首页> 中文期刊> 《温州医学院学报》 >老年鼻饲患者吸入性肺炎临床特点




Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics, pathogenic bacterial characteristics, pre-disposing factors of elderly patients with nasogastric feeding and to explore the prevention and therapeutic strate-gies.Methods: Retrospective analysis on clinical characteristics, and the bacterium of cause of disease of sputum culture structure of 60 cases of aspiration pneumonia in patients with nasogastric feeding from Wenzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine between January 2014 to January 2015. The age, basic diseases, etiology char-acteristic, symptoms and signs in aspiration pneumonia in elderly patients with nasal feeding were investisated. Results: Aspiration pneumonia in patients with nasogastric feeding often merged a variety of basic diseases, age, dififculty swallowing, disturbance of consciousness obviously increased the proportion. Gram-negative bacteria was the main pathogen bacteria in this patients.Conclusion: aspiration pneumonia in patients with nasogastric feeding causes more susceptible factors. However, because of complicated history and untypical symptoms that treatment should be depend on the characteristics of etiology and high effective antibiotics.%目的:探讨老年鼻饲患者吸入性肺炎临床特点及病原菌构成,总结易患因素、治疗方法、预防对策。方法:回顾性分析2014年1月至2015年1月在温州市中医院住院的60例鼻饲并发老年吸入性肺炎患者的临床特点及病原菌结构。分析鼻饲患者吸入性肺炎的年龄、基础疾病、症状体征、病原学。结果:鼻饲患者吸入性肺炎常合并多种基础疾病,高龄、吞咽困难、意识障碍明显增加患病概率。鼻饲患者吸入性肺炎细菌感染主要病发菌为革兰阴性菌。结论:引起鼻饲患者吸入性肺炎易患因素多。鼻饲吸入性肺炎病情复杂,起病隐袭,症状体征不典型,治疗应根据病原学特点,联用高效、广谱抗菌药物。



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