首页> 中文期刊> 《振动与冲击》 >基于铣刀精确建模的刀尖点频响函数预测方法




为准确地获取铣刀刀尖点频响函数,提出一种基于铣刀精确建模的刀尖点频响函数的预测方法。该方法基于 RCSA 理论和 Timoshenko 梁理论,将机床-主轴-刀柄-刀具系统划分为机床-主轴-刀柄-部分刀杆和剩余铣刀两个部分,并将剩余铣刀细分为剩余刀杆、过渡段以及多段刀齿。将铣刀分为对称型铣刀和非对称型铣刀两类,并针对每类铣刀各部分分别进行精确建模。以多把2刃和4刃铣刀为研究对象,进行实验测试,比较本文方法、等效质量法预测的铣刀刀尖点频响函数与实测刀尖点频响函数之间的差异,分析结果表明:该方法比等效质量法具有更高的预测精度,所预测频响函数的固有频率与实测频响函数固有频率的相对误差在5%以内。%To obtain a more accurate tool point frequency response function,a new prediction method for tool point frequency response function based on milling cutters'accurate models was presented.On the basis of Timoshenko beam and RCSA theories,a machine tool-spindle-holder-cutting tool system was divided into machine tool-spindle-holder-part of tool rob and the rest of milling cutter,then the rest of milling cutter was subdivided into the remaining tool rod,transition part and several cutter teeth.Furthermore,milling cutters were divided into symmetrical cutters and asymmetric cutters. The accurate models of each type of cutters were established respectively.Finally,with several two-fluted and four-fluted milling cutters as the research objects,predicted tool point frequency response function under the new method and equivalent mass method were compared with experimental results.It was experimentally proven that the new method has higher prediction accuracy than the equivalent mass method,in which the relative errors between natural frequencies of predicted frequency response function and the measured ones were within 5%.



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