首页> 中文期刊> 《唐山师范学院学报》 >晚清地方官员对“借师助剿”政策态度研究




“借师助剿”政策是在清政府内忧外患的情况下提出来的。它作为清政府外交政策的分水岭,在近代外交史上占有重要地位,然而在中央通过这一决议之后,直接与太平军作战的地方官员,却产生了分歧。以曾国藩为首的湘系和上海江浙官吏在这个问题上出现斗争,两派对“借师助剿”持不同看法是由于与西方列强的密切程度有所不同,以及互相争取在镇压太平天国的过程中占据主动,这场争论以湘系的胜利而告终。而湘系在争论中取胜的原因,因湘军是镇压太平天国的主力,为清政府所倚重。这场争论对晚清政局产生了深远影响,奠定了晚清“外和诸夷,内图自强”的外交基调。%The policy of suppression by borrowing troops was put forward under the condition of the decline of Qing Dynasty. It was the watershed and played a significant role in the diplomacy policy of late Qing Dynasty. However, the governors had different opinions on the policy. Xiang faction, whose leader was Zeng Guo-fan, disagreed with officials of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The cause was the intimacy degree with the western power and the priority in the suppression of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Xiang faction won because Zeng’ army was the main force for Qing Dynasty. It stimulated the diplomatic policy of Qing government which was of“being on good terms with foreign countries and being independent and powerful domestically”.



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