首页> 中文期刊> 《亚热带资源与环境学报》 >广州白云山风景区森林自然度评价




森林自然度是描述森林状态的指标,是指森林生态系统保持原生状态或受人类干扰的程度大小,对其进行评价和等级划分是森林近自然经营研究中的关键环节。研究基于空间尺度,构建白云山森林自然度评价体系,通过格网形式对研究区域进行细化,并对白云山森林自然度进行评价。结果表明:白云山森林自然度指标值大部分处于0.31~0.60和0.61~0.80之间,就其等级而言,属于第三、第四等级,即较低等级;而整个研究区范围内自然度最高的是荷依岭景区、明珠楼景区与摩星岭景区相交的天然次生林群落,自然度最低的是白云山群落的外围度假区。%Forest naturalness is the index for the description of a forest′s ecological function in main-taining its native state or human disturbance degree .In the study , a forest naturalness evaluation sys-tem for Baiyun mountain based on spatial scale is built .The results showed that for the most part , for-est naturalness value in Baiyun Mountain is between 0.31 and 0.60 , or between 0.61 and 0.80 , be-longing to the third and the fourth grades , respectively .The highest naturalness is found in its natural secondary forest communities , which is in the intersection of its Ridge Scenic Area , Pearl Tower Sce-nic Area and Star Ridge Scenic Area .And the lowest naturalness is found in its holiday resort area , lo-cating in the periphery of the mountain .



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