首页> 中文期刊> 《南方农业学报》 >大规格吉富罗非鱼种塑料大棚越冬技术




[Objective]The present study was aimed to develop a low cost high benefit over-wintering culture technique for large-sized GIFT tilapia fingerlings in ponds covered with plastic shed in Southern China. [ Method ]Two culture ponds covered with plastic sheds were selected at Shatang experiment base and the water temperature in one of the ponds was regulated by pumping underground warm water. The temperature of pond waters, dissolved oxygen content and ammonia nitrogen content were measured. [Result]The results showed that the water temperature in pond covered with plastic shed remained stable. The water temperature in pond with and without supply of underground water ranged from 17.0-22.5 and 16.0-21.5t, respectively. The dissolved oxygen and ammonia nitrogen content ranged from 2.5-5.0 and 0.47-0.93 mg/ L, respectively. The survival rates of GIFT tilapia species was 98.0 and 99.0% and the average individual weight reached 0.40 and 0.38 kg, respectively, after over-wintering culture. [Conclusion]Application of over-wintering culture technique using plastic shed may be used to grow GIFT tilapia fingerlings safely. Further, the present method was simple and convenient, and when combined with pumping underground warm water, it gave better culture effects, however to get the optimum production, the culture density needs to be controlled.%探讨大规格吉富罗非鱼种塑料大棚越冬技术,为我国南罗非鱼产业提供低成本、高收益安全越冬模式.在柳州市沙塘试验基地两个池塘 上搭建塑料大棚,其中1个池塘在越冬期陆续抽取地下水补水调温,分别定期检测大棚内外池塘水温及大棚内池塘水体溶解氧、氨氮两个水质指标.越冬期,大棚内池塘水温比较稳定,抽取地下水补水池塘水温保持在17.0~22.5℃,未抽取地下水补水池塘水温也能保持在16.0~21.5C;大棚内池塘水体溶解氧变化范围为2.5~5.0 mg/L,氨氮变化范围为0.47~0.93 mg/L;两个池塘大规格吉富罗非鱼种成活率分别为98.0%和99.0%,越冬培育后其规格分别为0.40和0.38 kg/尾.采用塑料大棚越冬模式,大规格吉富罗非鱼种能安全越冬且生长效良好,其简便、效良好,若能同时搭配抽取地下水补水调温,效更佳,但必须控制好放养密度.



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