首页> 中文期刊>四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) >务实、求新、尚学征途上的新旅程--论皮朝纲先生基于禅宗书画美学实践的中国美学文献学建构之路




Impressed by the lack of Zen document, especially painting and calligraphy document, PI Chao-gang has read through over 100 Zen classics recorded in Taisho Tripitaka, New Swaskita Scriptures, Jiaxing Tripitaka, Supplement of Tripitaka, Zen Encyclopedia and Chamen Yishu. With the deep research into nearly 600,000 characters of documents of Zen painting and calligraphy, which covers thoughts, ideas, genre, proposition and details, PI Chao-gang pubilshed three books on Zen aesthetics, namely, Danqing Miaoxiang Kou Chanxin:A Study on Zen Painting, Mohai Chanji Ting Xinsheng:Explanation on Zen works, and An Outline of History of Zen Aesthetic Principles in China. The Zen document of painting and calligraphy recorded by PI contributes to his constructing of Chinese aesthetic philology which marks the main theoretical achievement in his research of Chinese aesthetics.%有感于禅宗文献,特别是书画文献的匮乏,皮朝纲先生翻检《大正新修大藏经》、《新编卍续藏经》、《嘉兴大藏经》、《大藏经补编》、《禅宗全书》、《禅门逸书》等所收录的100多种禅宗典籍,汇集近60万字的禅宗书画文献,通过对这些文献所涉及的思想、观念、范畴、命题及某些具体问题进行深入研究,成就《丹青妙香叩禅心:禅宗画学著述研究》、《墨海禅迹听心声:禅宗书学著述解读》、《中国禅宗书画美学思想史纲》这“禅宗美学三书”。皮先生辑录的禅宗书画文献有其自身特征,其努力创建的中国美学文献学,是他在研究中国美学过程中,为创新求变而做出的重要理论贡献。



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