首页> 中文期刊> 《四川林业科技》 >汶川地震灾区辐射松覆盖保水造林试验研究




连续3a研究了不同覆盖保水方法对辐射松(Pinus radiate D.Don)造林及幼林生长的影响,结果表明:(1)塑料薄膜覆盖比对照造林保存率提高12.2个百分点、苗高生长量提高11.9cm、地径生长量提高0.57cm,石块覆盖比对照造林保存率提高12.2个百分点、苗高生长量提高9.3cm、地径生长量提高0.39cm。(2)塑料薄膜覆盖的幼树提早20d左右萌动、延迟15d左右停止生长,石块覆盖幼树提早10d左右萌动、延迟7d左右停止生长。%In this paper, studies were made of the effect of mulching water retention with plastic membranes or rocks on the afforestation of P. radiata and the growth of its young forest in Wenchuan Earth-quake Area. The results showed that the mulching measures effectively increased the survival rate, the height and the ground diameter of P. radiata, when plastic membranes were used for the mulching, they were 12. 2%, 11.9 cm and 0. 57 cm higher than those of controlled seedlings, respectively, and when rocks were used for the mulching,they were 12. 2% ,9.3 cm and 0.39 cm higher respectively. Mean-while, these measures affected the growth stage of saplings to some extent. For plastic membranes, the growth stage was shifted to an earlier time of 20 days,and was delayed by 15 days to cease. And for the rocks,the saplings of P. radiata started to bud by an earlier time of 10 days, and ceased their growth by a later time of 7 days.



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