首页> 中文期刊>石家庄学院学报 >一种测量磁光光纤法拉第效应的新方法




A new method of measuring multimode magnetic-optical fiber Faraday rotation in magnetic field is described. The previous way is mainly to fix a rotate stage on second polarizer and to measure the Faraday rotate angular by turning manually rotate stage. It is easier to implement but rather inaccurate es-pecially when rotate is small. The new way, which uses elliptical equation to fit polarized light coming out from the end of a magnetic optical fiber, is simpler and more accurate. Accordingly, a measuring tellurite fiber result by the new way under different magnetic field is presented. The technique allows for accuracy of effect of the double refraction of fiber.%原先测量法拉第旋转角主要是通过在第二个起偏器上固定一个旋转台,然后手动转动旋转台的方法实现;这种方法容易实现,但当法拉第旋转角很小时测量精度不够准确。提出一种测量磁场中磁光光纤法拉第效应的新方法,该方法用椭圆方程拟合从磁光光纤末端出射的偏振光,这种方法操作更加简单并且测量结果更加准确。给出了用该方法在不同磁场强度下对亚碲酸盐光纤的测量结果,测量结果表明该方法能够满足光纤存在线性双折射效应时对测量精度的要求。



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