首页> 中文期刊> 《山西大学学报(自然科学版)》 >资源枯竭城市土地集约利用综合评价研究




The urban-land of intensive use of resource-exhausted cities was studied. Taking 9 resource-exhausted cities of prefecture-level as the samples,the land use structure of the resource-exhausted cities was analysed,and then twenty indexes were selected from four aspects, which include land use intensity,land input,output efficiency and degree of Jand use sustainability, to construct evaluation index system of land intensive use. Moreover, the evaluation method of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process was taken to calculate the urban land-use intensity degree. And the results show that the land utilization of the nine cities is generally less intensive. Finally,the policy suggestions of intensive use were discussed from four aspects.%为综合评价资源枯竭城市土地集约利用状况,选取9个地级资源枯竭城市并对其土地利用结构进行研究.从土地利用强度、土地投入、产出效率、可持续利用程度等方面挑选了20个指标,构建适合资源枯竭城市土地利用集约度评价的指标体系.综合应用模糊层次分析综合评价法,对9个城市的土地集约利用情况进行了测度和评价,结果表明,9个资源枯竭城市土地利用普遍不集约;最后,提出政策建议.



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