首页> 中文期刊> 《山西医科大学学报》 >Ⅱ类错(牙合)患者髁突位置与颌骨中线偏斜的相关性




目的 探讨高角型骨性Ⅱ类错 (牙合) 畸形髁突位置与颌骨中线偏斜是否具有相关性.方法 选取就诊于山西医科大学第一医院口腔正畸科的高角型骨性Ⅱ类错 (牙合) 畸形患者共45例, 拍摄CBCT并利用Mimics17. 0软件定位标志点及评估颌骨中线偏斜量 (前鼻棘点ANS、上颌中切牙邻接点Mx1、下颌中切牙邻接点Mn1、颏下点Me) 和双侧髁突位置 (髁突长轴与正中矢状平面的夹角a、髁突中心点距正中矢状平面的最短距离b、双侧髁突中心点相对于正中矢状平面的前后向距离差c、关节前间隙AS、关节上间隙SS、关节后间隙PS) .结果 Mn1、Me的测量值比ANS、Mx1稍大.在颌骨中线偏斜与双侧髁突中心点相对于正中矢状平面的前后向距离差之间发现存在相关性 (P <0. 05) .此外通过配对t检验评估发现左右侧髁突各对应测量值间差异均无统计学意义 (P> 0. 05) .结论 高角型骨性Ⅱ类错 (牙合) 畸形患者双侧髁突相对于正中矢状平面的前后向位置与颌骨中线偏斜具有一定相关性.%Objective To evaluate the correlation between the midline deviation of the maxilla and mandible and the condyle position in class Ⅱ skeletal pattern with high angle. Methods Totally 45 patients with high angle class Ⅱ skeletal pattern were chosen from Shanxi Medical University First Hospital and all patients underwent CBCT scan before treatment. The offsets of midline of the maxilla and mandible (anterior nasal spine, ANS; contact point of the maxillary central incisors, Mx1; contact point of the mandibular central incisors, Mn1; menton, Me) and the condyle position related indexes were measured by the software Mimics17. 0. Results The measured values of Mn1 and Me were slightly larger than that of ANS and Mx1. The midline deviation index was correlated with the anteroposterior difference between the geometric center of the right and left condylar processes as reflected on the midsagittal plane (P <0. 05). And no statistically significant difference was found in the condyle position related indexes between the right and left condyles (P> 0. 05). Conclusion In patients with high angle class Ⅱ skeletal pattern, the midline deviation of the maxilla and mandible has a significant correlation with the anteroposterior difference between the geometric center of the right and left condylar processes.



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