首页> 中文期刊> 《山西农业科学》 >基于“四化同步”的河北省农业现代化发展探讨




The 18th CPC National Congress puts forward that China would take effects to promote harmonized development of industrialization,IT application,urbanization and agricultural modernization,namely,"Synchronization of Four Modernizations".How to address the "asynchronization" among industrialization,urbanization and agricultural modernization is the key issue for "Synchronization of Four Modernizations".Based on understanding the scientific meaning of "Synchronization of Four Modernizations",the "asynchrony" issues of Hebei province were analyzed in this paper,which included "weak power to promote agricultural development due to lower level of industrialization,IT application and urbanization","lack of connection between industrialization and agricultural development","agriculture had not equipped with IT technology" and "the widely gap between urban and rural areas".To resolve the above issues,several countermeasures were put forward to accelerate the "Synchronization of Four Modernizations" in Hebei Province.The measurements were:promoting the leading industriy cluster development,developing the multi-functional agriculture,strengthening the technology innovation in agriculture,improving the construction of agricultural product market system,accelerating the innovation of agricultural management and organization,enhancing the IT application in agriculture and taking more efforts and input for farmer training.%十八大报告提出,促进工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展,即“四化同步”.“四化同步”的关键是如何实现“同步”,根本问题是解决工业化、城镇化进程中农业发展的诸多“不同步”的突出问题.在正确认识“四化同步”科学内涵的基础上,分析明确了河北省“四化同步”中存在较低的工业化、信息化、城镇化水平,带动农业现代化动力不足;工业化与农业发展缺乏联系;信息化尚没有装备农业;城镇化进程中城乡不协调问题依然突出等的“不同步”问题.并针对以上问题提出:要强化优势主导产业集群发展,培育拓展多功能农业产业,提升农业科技创新能力,强化农业市场体系建设,推进农业经营与组织方式创新、加强农业信息化建设、加大力度培训现代农民,切实转变农业生产方式,逐步推进“四化同步”.



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