二孩政策的全面推行是基于人口老龄化等诸多因素综合考虑而形成的政策决议,对于优化我国的人口结构有着重要意义。然而,女性作为生育的责任主体,劳动就业、婚姻家庭等自身权益势必会在生育过程中受到诸多影响。为更好地保障女性的合法权益,必须建立全面的女性权益保障机制,以保障女性在生育下一代后依然有机会平等参与经济社会生活。%The implementation of two child policy is based on comprehensive consideration of many factors, such as an ageing population,and it has important significance to optimize the structure of the population of our country.However,as the responsibility of the fertility subject,women may faced many challenges with their labor and employment rights and interests,marriage and family rights and interests,and so on.In order to better protect women ’s legitimate rights and interests, the comprehensive mechanism of protecting women’s rights and interests must be established,so that women can have equal participation in social and e-conomic life when they are in reproductive stage.