首页> 中文期刊>山东理工大学学报(自然科学版) >灵敏性编码重建磁共振成像与非笛卡尔 k 空间运动轨迹的研究

灵敏性编码重建磁共振成像与非笛卡尔 k 空间运动轨迹的研究



The sensitivity encoding (SENSE) parallel reconstruction scheme for magnetic reso‐nance imaging (MRI) was studied and implemented with non‐Cartesian sampled k‐space trajecto‐ries in this report .The sensitivity map profile ,field map information and the spiral k‐space data collected from an array of receiver coils were used to reconstruct un‐aliased images from under‐sampled data .The gridding algorithm was also implemented with SENSE due to its ability in e‐valuating forward and adjoins operator with non‐Cartesian sampled data .SENSE has the special capability to reduce the scanning time for M RI experiments w hile maintaining the image resolu‐tion with under‐sampling data sets .We also analyzed the performance of SENSE with real data set and identified the computational issues that need to be improved for further research .%对敏感性编码的磁共振成像并行重建方案进行了研究,实现了非笛卡尔采样 k空间轨迹分析。在敏感图像信息中,由接收器线圈阵列采集的螺旋 k空间数据被应用到欠采样数据集中以重构建无混叠重建图像。此外,由于网格算法具有前向估值和非正交采样数据伴随运算能力,被用来实现敏感性编码重建图像。研究发现,敏感性编码可减少用于磁共振成像实验的扫描时间,同时保持与下采样数据集的图像分辨率。最后,利用真实数据组计算验证了敏感性编码的性能,并分析了进一步提高计算速度的方法。



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