首页> 中文期刊> 《山东医学高等专科学校学报》 >风油精在PICC导管换药中的应用与观察




目的:阐述风油精在PICC导管换药中的应用与观察。方法10例实施PICC置管的患者分为对照组和观察组,选取的这10位患者的PICC置管的敷贴周围均出现不同程度的胶渍并粘有衣服纤维,对照组选取某一换药时间由一名专职护理人员统一换药,观察组选取下一个换药时间由同一人对相同的这10位患者做统一换药,观察两组换药时间、皮肤情况及患者舒适度。对比具有统计学意义( P <0.05)。结果观察组的换药时间远快于对照组,观察组换药后皮肤未见红肿,而对照组个别患者皮肤出现红肿,观察组患者感觉更加舒适。结论风油精能提高对PICC导管换药的护理质量。%Objective Elaborated the liquid medicine containing menthol leads in the quality is guaranteed or the item will be replaced medicine in PICC the applica‐tion and the observation .Methods Periphery 10 examples implement PICC to set at the tube patient to di‐vide into the control group and the observation group ,selection these 10 patient's PICC set at the tube to stick on appear the varying degree the rubber to soak and to stick have clothes textile fiber ,In contrast group choose a drug from a full‐time nursing staff and a switch ,the group choose the one‐for‐The time by the same person for the same 10 patient a uniform ,and the two groups for the time ,skin and comfort for the patient .Results The group of drug time is much faster than comparison group ,and the Group after the skin does not see redness ,and the comparison group individual patient skin redness ,and observer group patients feel more comfortable .Conclusion Essential oil can improve the quality of nursing care of PICC catheter dressing .



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