首页> 中文期刊>陕西青年职业学院学报 >再论《论持久战》对中国人民抗日战争的指导意义




《论持久战》是毛泽东在1938年5月发表的一篇经典著作,它通过对抗日战争中敌我双方力量和各自特点的分析,得出抗日战争经过持久战最后的胜利属于中国的结论。以充分的说服力驳斥了速胜论和亡国论,一扫当时人们对抗日战争的悲观情绪,为调动广大军民坚持抗战坚定了信心,成为中国人民抗日战争的指导思想。在高职院校思政课教学中,注意引导学生重温马克思主义经典著作,对坚定学生理想信念,学会用马克思主义立场、观点和方法解决和处理各种问题有积极作用。%On Protracted War,a classical work written by Mao Zedong and published on May 1 9 3 8 ,which draws the conclusion that China will finally achieve the victory of the Anti-Japanese War after a protracted war by analyzing the force and characteristics of each parties in the War.On Protracted War not only refutes the theory of rapid defeating and the theory of national subjugation to sweep away the pessimistic mood for the war,but also mobilizes the masses to strengthen the confidence of insisting Sino-Japan War,so On Pro-tracted War becomes the guiding ideology of Anti-Japanese War.During the period of ide-ological and political course,the teachers should pay attention to guide the students to re-view Marxist classics,which will plays a positive role in strengthening the students’convic-tion,and helping them to solve and handle various kinds of problems with Marxist stand, viewpoint and method.



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