首页> 中文期刊> 《地震研究》 >云南地区波速变化与强震孕育




利用2007年11月至2010年5月云南测震台网46个台站共31个月的连续测震记录,采用背景噪声瑞利面波层析成像方法得到云南地区不同周期瑞利面波的相速度背景图像;用滑动时窗得到当前不同时段瑞利面波相速度图像,将当前速度图像减去背景速度图像,得到当前速度扰动图像;将不同时段的速度扰动图像与云南中强地震作对比研究,发现在该区域中强地震发生前,在10~25s周期的相速度扰动图像中,川滇菱形块体中段瑞利面波波速都有明显升高现象.%Applying the Rayleigh Wave Tomography method to the processing of the continuous ambient data recorded by 46 broadband sub-stations of the Yunnan Seismological Network from November, 2007 to May, 2010, we obtain the background image of the phase velocity of the Rayleigh Wave with different periods in Yunnan area. Then, by removing the background phase velocity from the current phase velocity reconstructed by sliding time-window, we obtain the current velocity-perturbation images. Comparing the velocity-perturbation images with the distribution of moderate-strong earthquakes in Yunnan, we find that before moderate-strong earthquakes in the middle part of the Sichuan-Yunan Rhombic Block, Rayleigh-phase velocity increased significantly in the perturbation images of phase-velocity from 10s to 25s.



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