首页> 中文期刊> 《岩石力学与岩土工程学报:英文版》 >Discussion on “Analysis of Bingham fluid radial flow in smooth fractures”J Rock Mech Geotech Eng 12(2020) 1112e1118

Discussion on “Analysis of Bingham fluid radial flow in smooth fractures”J Rock Mech Geotech Eng 12(2020) 1112e1118



Recently,Zou et al.(2020 a)published a theoretical analysis on the radial flow of a Bingham fluid,where they argued that the classical analysis by Dai and Bird(1981)violates the mass conservation.The present discussion aims to clarify this conflict between those two studies.It is noted that Zou et al.(2020 a)presumed the gap-wise mass flux is negligible in the mass conservation equation,while Dai and Bird(1981)did not require so in their model,and this is found to be the origin of the conflict.In fact,Dai and Bird(1981)’s model is shown to not violate the mass conservation.Therefore,those two models should be viewed as separate models derived from different perspectives.Details of the major difference between the two models are discussed.



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