首页> 中文期刊> 《辐射研究与辐射工艺学报》 >辐射交联弹性体的耐老化性能




For the super properties, elastomer materials have been widely using in the fields of industry, agriculture and national defense. But the weakness of aging resistance performance greatly affects its life span and increases the expenses for service. Some intensive research on the additives of antiager and antiozonant is carried out to improve the aging resistance of elastomers. But the property of elastomers aging resistance is not only related with the additives, but also with the curing methods. Radiation crosslinking method for curing the elastomers in this work is employed to modify the mechanical properties of elastomers SBR in order to enhance its aging resistance property.%采用γ射线辐射交联技术对弹性体丁苯橡胶(SBR)进行辐射硫化,改变了传统的硫化工艺,大大提高了弹性体材料的耐老化性能。说明γ射线辐射交联是提高SBR耐老化性能的有效技术手段。



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